This article is the appropriation detergent of the air condition, wings slice, it special activity composition ability valid Clean a ir condition metals various dye, rust Zi of the surface and long-term accumulate to gather of oxidize a layer,With various oil stains, contain the metals slow eclipse, prevent°from after clean metals of oxidize with Special protection machine hull and plastics parts. 本品为空调、翅片专用清洁剂,其特有的活性成份能有效清洗空调金属表面的各种色素、锈渍及长期积聚的氧化层,和各种油渍,内含金属缓蚀剂,清洗后防止金属的氧化和特有的保护机壳及塑料部件。
1、this article 1:20-30 exchange water, then spray at theobject surface, smooth wet After 1-2 minutes with theclear water scrub. 2、for the heavy dirty Zi suggest that the decrease ex-changes water ratio row combine full lead water. 1、将本品1:20-30兑水,然后喷洒于物体表面,润湿1-2分钟后用清水刷洗即可。 2、对于重污渍,建议减少兑水比列并充分过水。